
David @jewdudewtf

Age 32, Male


Kansas City, MO

Joined on 1/11/07

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Castle Crashers, Depression, & A Bright Tomorrow

Posted by jewdudewtf - August 29th, 2008

Lets start this news post the right way! CASTLE CRASHERS IS OUT! I haven't got it myself yet, but it looks amazing, and I've been hearing good things about it. Looks like Tom Fulp really came through this time, and it better be worth the 2100 points for his 3 years or so of work. When I get it, if I ever play with you, I get dibs on Green Knight full time. If your playing as the Green Knight, you can fuck off because I'm always Green, you got it?

Now for the sad part. Less than one week ago, a kid who goes to a nearby school died. Instead of just letting him die in peace, I just had to be a cock about it for some reason or another, and I highly regret my actions. I didn't even know the kid, but I continued to mock him for the way he died, even posting a thread about how stupid he is here on Newgrounds. Looking back on this short week, I already feel like terrible shit for doing that.

What makes it even worse, is that another thread came up about how unfathomablesin's friend died. As if his ode to Anthony wasn't enough of a tear-jerker for me, it made me think back to the thread I made. When I made the thread, I had some sort of feeling that all I said was right and just. What I forgot to even think about was that people loved and cared for the kid I was mocking, just like unfathomablesin still loves and cares for his friend.

Basically, to sum it up, I feel like total shit for making fun of the kid near me that died. I feel even worse for pissing off those who cared for him. What would really add on to the shit pile is if a member of his family read what I had posted. I'm not sure if I could live with myself if that would happen.

On a lighter note, tomorrow, Friday, August 29th, will be my high school's first football game ever! I was fortunate enough to live within the district limits for a new school that opened up, and I'm having a blast being able to be the first to do a lot of things at this new school. Hopefully we can win this game, and have a perfect record of 1-0 to open up the season.


Don't feel too bad. Dumbass shouldnt be fucking around on the highway anyways, but it is still kinda messed up.

Yeah. :'(

fag fag fag fag fag fag fag fag


I MISS you. :-(

I miss you more! :''''(

Watch out, sooner or later I'll take your b/p rank D:<

That will never happen now! Just for that comment, I'm going to start B/Ping again!

lol Ping

Kikes kick ass... So are you jew by religion or race or both? Im jew by race.

I'm neither actually! :P

Maybe I'm more of a dick then you, but I'll never feel sad for someone who died the way that kid died. Yeah people loved him and all, but it was mainly his own stupidity that killed him.

Yeah, I guess I really don't feel sorry for the kid himself, but rather his loved ones.

youre the only jewish person i know!

Would it upset you if I told you I'm not jewish? :3